The End is Life: Third Sunday after Easter 2023

The End is Life: Third Sunday after Easter 2023

Scripture tells us that after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples thirteen times. This week we will be considering the story of the road to Emmaus, but will consider more generally the idea of life after death for all of us. Belief in the eternality of...
The Opposite of Faith: Second Sunday after Easter 2023

The Opposite of Faith: Second Sunday after Easter 2023

In the Season of Easter, the fifty days that follow the resurrection, our scripture readings focus on how we are to live as Easter people, as those who continue to follow the teachings of Jesus. Last week, with our pews full, the sanctuary rich with the aroma of...
While It’s Still Dark: Easter Sunday 2023

While It’s Still Dark: Easter Sunday 2023

“Alleluia! Christ is Risen!” We proclaim these words each Easter with gusto, but the reality is, as the gospel tells us, these things took place “while it was still dark.” Things always generate more fear in the shadows of the dark, so imagine what it must have been...